Best Time to See Serengeti Great Migration

The best time to see the Serengeti Great Migration is a question on the minds of many wildlife enthusiasts planning a trip to Tanzania. The Serengeti Great Migration, one of nature’s most spectacular events, involves millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles making their way across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of fresh grazing lands. Timing your visit to witness this grand migration can significantly enhance your safari experience. This detailed guide will help you understand the ideal times to see the Great Migration and what to expect during each phase of the journey.

Best Time to See Serengeti Great Migration
  • Serengeti Tours

Understanding the Great Migration

The Serengeti Great Migration is a year-round phenomenon, driven by the animals’ search for food and water. The migration is cyclical and depends on the seasonal rains, which influence the movement of the herds. The migration’s timing and location vary, making it essential to understand the different phases of the migration to choose the best time to see the Serengeti Great Migration.

Phases of the Migration

1. Calving Season (January to March): During this period, the herds gather in the southern Serengeti plains for the calving season. This is when the wildebeest give birth to their young, and the plains are filled with newborn calves. Predators are also more active during this time, providing dramatic wildlife interactions.

2. The Move North (April to June): After the calving season, the herds begin their journey northwards towards the western corridor and the northern Serengeti, following the rains. The landscape transforms as the herds graze through the lush green pastures.

3. River Crossings (July to October): This is arguably the most dramatic phase of the migration, as the herds face the perilous river crossings in the northern Serengeti. The Grumeti and Mara Rivers become the focal points, with dramatic scenes of wildebeest and zebras braving crocodile-infested waters.

4. Return South (November to December): As the rains move south, the herds start their journey back to the southern Serengeti plains. The cycle begins anew as the animals return to the fertile grounds for another calving season.

Best Times to See the Serengeti Great Migration

1. January to March: Calving Season

The period from January to March is one of the best times to see the Serengeti Great Migration, especially if you are interested in witnessing the calving season. During these months, the southern Serengeti is teeming with newborn wildebeest calves and the spectacle of new life.

January to March offers an opportunity to see large herds congregating on the southern plains of the Serengeti, where the fertile grasslands support the birthing of thousands of calves. This period is particularly exciting for photographers and wildlife enthusiasts who want to capture the tender moments of newborns and the intense predator-prey interactions that follow.

The calving season also provides a higher concentration of predators, such as lions, cheetahs, and hyenas, which are drawn to the abundance of vulnerable young prey. The dramatic predator-prey dynamics add a layer of excitement to the safari experience during these months.

The weather is generally warm and relatively dry, making it comfortable for game drives and easier to navigate the terrain. However, the southern Serengeti can be somewhat busy with tourists during this period, so early booking is recommended.

2. July to October: River Crossings

The period from July to October is renowned as one of the best times to see the Serengeti Great Migration due to the dramatic river crossings. This is the peak of the migration when the herds face the formidable challenge of crossing the Grumeti and Mara Rivers.

During these months, the northern Serengeti becomes the epicenter of migration activity as the herds attempt the perilous river crossings. Witnessing the crossings is a highlight of any safari, as thousands of wildebeest and zebras risk their lives to navigate the crocodile-infested waters.

The river crossings are often accompanied by dramatic scenes of struggle and survival, offering some of the most thrilling wildlife encounters. This period is ideal for those who want to experience the raw power and drama of the Great Migration.

The weather is typically dry, with cooler temperatures and clear skies, making it an excellent time for game drives and viewing. However, this is also the peak tourist season, so booking well in advance is essential to secure the best accommodations and tour slots.

3. April to June: The Move North

April to June marks the period when the herds start their migration northwards from the southern Serengeti. While not as dramatic as the calving or river crossing phases, this time offers a unique perspective on the migration’s progression.

During April to June, the Serengeti’s landscape undergoes a transformation as the rains bring lush vegetation to the western corridor and northern Serengeti. The herds graze their way north, following the green pastures and creating a mesmerizing spectacle of movement.

This period is characterized by fewer tourists compared to the peak migration months, offering a more tranquil and immersive safari experience. The weather is generally wet, with occasional showers that can make some trails muddy, but it also brings vibrant greenery and a refreshing environment.

This phase provides an opportunity to see the herds in a less crowded setting, with fewer visitors competing for viewing spots. It’s a great time for those who prefer a quieter, more relaxed safari experience.

4. November to December: Return South

The period from November to December marks the return of the herds to the southern Serengeti. While this is less popular than the peak migration months, it offers a different perspective on the migration cycle.

As the rains move south, the herds return to the southern Serengeti plains for the calving season, completing the migration cycle. This time of year provides a quieter safari experience with fewer tourists, allowing for a more intimate interaction with the wildlife.

The weather during this period can be variable, with intermittent rains leading to lush landscapes and vibrant vegetation. This is an excellent time for those who prefer a more tranquil environment and want to witness the start of the new calving season.


Choosing the best time to see the Serengeti Great Migration depends on your specific interests and preferences. Whether you want to witness the dramatic river crossings, the calving season, or the quieter periods of the migration cycle, each phase offers unique opportunities for wildlife viewing and photography. By understanding the timing and characteristics of each phase, you can plan a safari that aligns with your goals and maximizes your chance to experience the grandeur of the Great Migration.